Cambridge Biology

Reproduction in Plants

Plants need the process of reproduction to prevent from extinction of their species, so, here is the reproduction in plants.

There are two types of reproduction, ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION and SEXUAL REPRODUCTION.
1. Asexual Reproduction is the process to produce identical offspring WITHOUT the FUSION OF GAMETES, and only required ONE PARENT. It only involves Mitosis.

Advantages of Asexual Reproduction
  • Only 1 parent required
  • Fusion of gametes is not required
  • Beneficial qualities are passed on to the offspring
  • the faster method of producing offspring compared to sexual reproduction
  • Organisms can colonise the area rapidly.
Dis advantage of Asexual Reproduction
  • There will be no genetic variation in the offspring.
2. Sexual Reproduction is the process involving TWO FUSION OF GAMETES to form a zygote, and requires TWO PARENTS.

Advantages of Sexual Reproduction
  • Offspring may inherit from both parents
  • There is greater genetic variation in the offspring
Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction
  • Two parents are required (except for bisexual plants)
  • Slower method compared with asexual reproduction
  • fusion of gametes is not required
Mitosis   : is a form of nuclear division that produces daughter nuclei that contain the same chromosomes as the parents of nucleus.
Gametes : are the reproductive cells that contain half the number of chromosomes as the normal body cells.

Parts of a flower.
A complete flower contains: Pedicel, Receptacle, sepals, petals, stamens and carpels (pistil).

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